Copyright 2017 Live Answer Receptionist, LLC
Don't let voicemail drive business away.
Let LiveAnswerReceptionist answer your telephone calls!
Missing phone calls is bad for business.
Even the most dedicated entrepreneur or physician cannot be in two places at once and available 24-7. Missing telephone calls can seem inevitable but doesn't have to be. Let LiveAnswerReceptionist answer your telephone calls.
LiveAnswerReceptionist is an outsourced professional telephone receptionist service that is so affordable, it's within the reach of any business or physician's practice. Your calls will be answered by a highly trained receptionist handling your calls just like your own personal receptionist. We will answer your forwarded calls when you cannot answer them yourself (or simply don't want to). We will answer in your company name exactly how you specify. Instead of getting your voicemail, your callers are greeted by a polite professional operator who is expert at coaxing even hesitant callers to leave a message and their contact details to ensure you don't miss any messages or lose any leads. This is also great for appointment scheduling. These messages are instantly sent to you by email and SMS.
You can also have your callers directed to your Voicemail or even have your LiveAnswerReceptionist screen your telephone calls utilizing Live Answer Call Management. You can choose to take the call or ask your receptionist to take a written message or offer your voicemail or email, or all of these, it is up to you. Your receptionist is on the front line. You deserve the best!
Your business sounds bigger. You never miss important calls. You will wonder what you ever did without your own personal LiveAnswerReceptionist.